Macromates TextMate 2 cheap license

Maybe, if TextMate 2 came out, you'd still prefer what you're using now. You understand what I am saying, but being purposely difficult. I Macromates TextMate 2 cheap license you Macromates TextMate 2 cheap license reconsider porting Textmate to Linux and Windows use Macromates TextMate 2 cheap license cross platform library Cheapest Adobe Photoshop CS5 on Demand avoid extra work. Most of the comments here are along the lines of not agreeing with marco's sentiment of we won't fault you. If he made a mistake in calculating initial cost, its his mistake and he has to own up to it. The TM2 announcement fills me with hope that I may not have to do that What am I missing here? He's a one man operation. I find it depressing that if I pay for something with the promise of free upgrade and it wasn't. I've tried Intelli-j and I think it is def. Then he can pay all he wants. An improved MacBook Air could debut as early as next week. Do you really claim that existing commercial IDEs are so much better than Eclipse? The fact is that Odgaard has many more lucrative options open to him than living up to an unfavorable pricing commitment from 6 years ago. Neat analogy, but in this case the "old computer" is far more powerful.Macromates TextMate 2 cheap license